QRTP Group Homes
Positive Alternatives Inc. has six group homes: Positive Alternatives - Menomonie, Positive Alternatives - River Falls, Positive Alternatives - Wisconsin Rapids, Positive Alternatives - Amery, Positive Alternatives - Marathon County, and Positive Alternatives - Winnebago.
In August 2024, we opened a Group Home in Winnebago County that serves youth exclusively from Winnebago County.
Positive Alternatives’ group homes are accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA) and certified as Qualified Residential Treatment (QRTP) programs.
Positive Alternatives Group Home-Amery is a group home for female youth only. All the other homes are co-ed group homes. All are State Licensed by the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families and licensed under Wisconsin Administrative Code DCF57. The homes provide structure, safety, and trauma-informed care to youth in need of alternate care.
Positive Alternatives Group Home-Marathon accepts youth from any Wisconsin county, while all other homes offer the same services, including long-term, short-term, 72-hour holds, respite, and crisis placements.
What We Offer
Positive Alternatives’ Group homes are certified by the Department of Children and Families as Qualified Residential Treatment Programs (QRTPs).
As a QRTP, Positive Alternatives’ group homes provide:
Positive Alternatives practices trauma-informed care by providing a physically and emotionally safe, calm, and secure environment that is culturally respectful. Staff are knowledgeable and trained in trauma-informed care upon hire and ongoing throughout employment. Additionally, the following resources are used to facilitate trauma-informed programming: ACE questionnaire, Trauma Informed Care safety plans, Youth Outcome Questionnaire, and Motivational Interviewing.
Positive Alternatives staff attend consultation sessions with clinicians regularly to review client care, receive guidance, learn, and enhance Compassion Resiliency skills. Staff have access to nursing staff who provide health assessments, guidance related to medications, and responses to general health questions.
Positive Alternatives is committed to promoting and facilitating family/fictive kin involvement throughout each resident’s placement. This is done by encouraging and coordinating regular phone calls, face-to-face visits, and video visits, supporting residents and families in problem-solving family dynamics and conflicts, and helping residents and families prepare for successful reunification. Additionally, each youth has an individualized treatment plan that outlines goals related to permanency planning and home reunification.
Positive Alternatives provides Aftercare to residents to provide support and referral services leading up to and after their discharge from the group home. Aftercare aims to link youth with appropriate services before and after they leave the group home in areas such as financial and career planning, health care, including mental health, employment, housing, and independent living skills. Aftercare services begin before discharge and continue up to six months post-discharge through in-person, phone, and video support.
As a QRTP, Positive Alternatives is required to be accredited. PA is accredited through the Council on Accreditation (COA). COA accreditation means that our organization’s programs, services, administration, and management have been rigorously evaluated and meet best practice standards.
The Logic Model guides the operation of QRTP group homes, dedicated to serving youth and families in need of out-of-home placement. The program’s intended impact is to provide services that are youth-guided and family-driven to focus on empowerment, education, and advocacy throughout their care. The desired outcome builds on strengths for the purpose of supporting youth, young adults, and/or families to enhance social, emotional, and developmental skills.
You may view the Logic Model in it entirety by clicking here.
In addition to QRTP group home services, Positive Alternatives accepts youth for short-term services including shelter care, respite care, and crisis placements.
For more information, please contact one of our group home program directors.