
Past Employee

“Positive Alternatives is VERY aptly named.

Working at PA (on the business side) helped me to continually remember that kids are not born "bad" but somehow learn it through following poor behaviors of family, peers, and circumstances. PA usually successfully provides the total "positive alternative" environment to help clients remodel their whole persons to become "good" kids, able then to lead happier and ultimately more successful lives.

As an employee, I achieved satisfaction to have, with Kelli and the Board, significantly improved the company's retirement benefit through indexed investments, much lower administrative costs, and very beneficial vesting rules. The changes quickly increased employee participation rates, contribution amounts, and financial planning for the future, all "positive alternatives" provided by the company for its employees to model. I suspect that the retirement benefit has been a tipping point for some (many?) employees to accept employment and/or remain with PA a bit longer or for the long, long term, to the company's benefit as well and at relatively low cost.”


Current Employee

“My name is Bree Lane, and I go by she/they. I started at PA back in February of 2023. This was my first job as a caretaker. When I first started at PA, I didn't communicate well and was very socially awkward. As a kid, I went through a lot, and knowing that I could help kids who were in the same situation made me fall in love with working at PA. 

What I love most about PA is that Brenna and Chris have been helping me work through some of my own mental struggles. They helped me navigate through mistakes I had made and taught me how to handle the youth in a better manner. Recently, I was in a car accident, and I learned how to take a step back and let go of control. They have been working hard with me, supporting me through my recovery with a broken leg. 

I have had the best support from my fellow co-workers. I have made a family with my co-workers, and they took me in after the hospital so I wasn't alone and had help while I healed. I will always be thankful for my job and for everyone in it.


Past Client 

“I want to say thank you so much for what Kelli Kamholz and Positive Alternatives have done in my life when I was a child. If it weren't for Kelli Kamholz and Positive Alternatives, I honestly don't know how I would have turned out as a child and the person I am today. 

I had a troubled past when I was very young, and I was put in Positive Alternatives. At first, I did not want help from anyone, so I went there with an attitude where I didn't care what they were going to say to me. But then there were a couple of staff members, like Kelli Kamholz, who helped me understand what Positive Alternatives was about. Mind you, it took me a month or so to open up and let anybody talk to me or help me more. But they kept trying, and eventually, I allowed them to help me. It has made me get farther in life because I have also learned coping skills that I still use today. It wasn't an easy walk, but I had my good and bad days there, like any child would when they have to be in a group home. But honestly, to this day, I can say I'm glad that I was part of the Positive Alternatives experience, and I will always support what they do because if it weren't for them, I don't know where I'd be.”


Past Client 

“I love how one of the staff members brought in their dog during the winter and how another resident and I were outside playing in the snow—it was so much fun! I also love how spacious every room is, and the kitchen is just amazing. They also taught me how to cope with my trauma ✨😊”


Youth Mentor/Case Manager

“I have a friend who used to work at PA. She spoke very highly of PA and shared some of the best and worst experiences she went through. I expressed interest in working with youth but wasn't sure what direction to go in. She suggested I apply and see how it goes. I applied and was super nervous. I wasn't sure if I was going to like it or not, but I was immediately accepted by the staff and made good connections with the residents.

I've now been here for a little over a year and am finding it difficult to think about leaving. PA has become a place that has helped me grow both professionally and personally. I've been through some rough things while at PA, but I've had such good support from co-workers and leadership. I find that PA is very accepting and more than willing to teach new things. I also find that my co-workers and leadership don't get offended and follow through with what they say. They value my personal time and feedback. They have taught me to not be afraid to speak up and how to take constructive criticism. They've helped me grow in my confidence and have created space for me to achieve my goals.

I love the clients I work with. Seeing how they grow over time and knowing that I've impacted their lives is extremely rewarding. I love seeing how everyone's individual personalities are crucial to the individuals who walk through the doors. You're not going to get along with everyone, and you're not going to be the person every resident relies on. But they will find the person they can. Even if it's not me, it's beautiful to see how everyone's differences blend together to make the biggest positive difference in a client's life.”


Past Employee

“Many may not know that the current River Falls building/home is actually the second River Falls location. Many years ago, I had the opportunity to be the Adolescent Care Manager alongside Kelli Kamholz to start the River Falls location. Interestingly, the first location is just down the street. In the beginning, the staff office was in the laundry room/garage entryway. There wasn't a TV for quite some time, and all we had to get started was a hamburger puzzle. Positive Alternatives made the front page of the local newspaper—mostly because of the town's skepticism about us being there. Thankfully, that attention faded. 

I saw many really amazing staff members, some right from the local college, come and go, all of whom truly made a positive difference in the lives of the youth. I saw many youth go through difficult and positive times. I worked with local communities and counties who shared their care for youth who were against the odds. I can only hope I helped change "just one life." For me, the experience was unmatched, and I'm grateful for those good, and sometimes less-than-good, days.“

Jon Tomski 

Board Member   

“I have worked with Positive Alternatives as a board member for 6 years and have assisted their clients and professionals through my role in the Wausau School District for 7 years. Over this time, I have found great value in the philosophy, ethics, and service that PA demonstrates every day in its work with our youth. I have worked with many students who have greatly benefited from PA's level of care and, through PA, have utilized the supports and resources provided to flourish in their adult lives. PA has had a profound effect on my school, our students, and the community. PA's past, present, and future accomplishments are certainly worth celebrating at this 50-year mark! Well done, Positive Alternatives!”

Chris King  

Board Chair        

“Due to the nature of my work at the Menomonie Police Department, I was able to interact with the Menomonie Positive Alternatives Group Home staff and clients from time to time, and I always had a deep appreciation for what the organization was doing. However, in 2012, I stumbled upon a board member position by pure accident. I was selected by my department to become the new Youth Services Officer with the Menomonie Police Department. Previously unannounced to me, I apparently became a board member of Positive Alternatives with my new appointment. Although I was a bit nervous, having never been a member of any board or organization, board membership allowed me to gain an appreciation of all the work that was done behind the scenes to serve youth from across Wisconsin.

Fast forward 12 years later, and here we are—the 50th Anniversary Celebration for Positive Alternatives. I feel blessed to collaborate with such amazing board members and PA administration staff. All the incredible work that has been done at Positive Alternatives over the last 50 years has set Positive Alternatives up for tremendous success for another 50 years!”

Maria Shea 

Former Employee 

“After having just completed my master's degree in Counseling, this was my first job out of college, as I became the TeenCare Coordinator for the 5 years I was there (1994-1999), under the Executive Director (who is still a dear friend from that experience), Kim Nimsgern. Fun fact: An Executive Director prior to Kim was Lucy Pirner, who ran the place while she was a student at Stout! She & I are dear friends now!

Kim & I had such a blast running PA together, taking it from the old converted house in Menomonie to creating the "new" location on Terrill Road!

I loved the diversity of my job description, from 1:1 teen counseling, to family counseling, to writing grants, to maintaining A LOT of SafePlace sites across SIX counties—collaborating with community members—including police officers (from the 6-county area) to NOT put handcuffs on youth that have run away! I was an active member of WARS (WI Association of Runaway Services) and spoke at a regional conference in Michigan. I loved supervising 30 staff, training them on the hotline, and youth counseling skills. I remember learning more in grad school from the runaway program I worked at in Mpls called The BRIDGE for Runaway Youth.

One note of interest: I created the original logo for PA, that I see you used until fairly recently!

One funny memory: While Kim & I were working (yet another) LATE NIGHT in our shared office, upstairs in that old rickety house location, we noticed the activity in the hallways around us. We ignored it for some time, letting our wonderful staff handle the often-chaotic building full of teenagers. They were doing a room search, which was fairly common—since kiddos would be known to sneak in inappropriate things, like cigarettes. When the commotion continued for some time, we finally came into the hallway & heard from a lead staff, Terri Evans (rest in peace, sweet soul). She informed us that they couldn't seem to LOCATE WHERE the cigarette smoke was coming from—who was the little troublemaker... Well, it was US!!! Kim & I were sneaking our late-night smokes (Virginia Slim Ultra Light Menthols:) in our office, thinking we were careful to blow out the window. We were CLUELESS that we were creating soooo much trouble. The staff and teens didn’t let us live that down for some time!

I will include some photos from a "memory book" I gave to Kim when I left. Forgive the black & white/somewhat fuzzy copies.

PS: My name at the time was Maria Spilde."

Jason Mountin

Board Member

“I joined the Positive Alternatives' board of directors on February 21st 2021. I have thoroughly enjoyed the last three and a half years serving such an outstanding organization and cause. I look forward and hope to serve PA for many years to come!”

The Pertz Family

“Positive Alternatives as an organization, but more so the staff – specifically Kelli Kamholz – have been a pleasure to work with. My family has been in the neighborhood of the Amery site since the early 1980s. We own recreational and hobby farm land adjacent to their site. We approached Kelli in 2022 with an idea to purchase some of the land owned by the organization at that time, with the interest of improving it for wildlife conservation and natural resources. The benefit to the organization was continued use of the land for recreation by their residents. We were thrilled by the partnership and the opportunity to work together on something mutually beneficial.”

Laura Clark

Program Director

“Being a part of the team at Positive Alternatives has allowed me to witness some really memorable milestones for the youth we work with. Some of my favorite memories are being a part of a few "first" for some youth including the first time they ordered food at a sit-down restaurant, their first trip to a waterpark, and their first time camping.

My favorite, and most memorable activity as a staff, was being able to accompany a youth for their first flight and their first professional play. This youth was gifted tickets to see Hamilton in Chicago and we were able to fly down, take the "L", explore downtown, and see the play before flying back in the same day. It was probably the most exhausting day I've worked but it was well worth it to experience all of that with them.”


Past Client

“This is a big thank you. As a past resident, you shaped me into a great individual! I’m now a Brown County Youth Action Board representative, helping youth my age! Because of you guys, I know who I am and how to be great! Thanks for all you do.”


Executive Director of the Wisconsin Association of Family & Children’s Agencies (WAFCA)

“On behalf of the Wisconsin Association of Family & Children’s Agencies, congratulations to the team, Board, and leadership of Positive Alternatives as you mark this momentous milestone in your agency’s history.

It has been a privilege to work alongside Positive Alternatives over the past two decades and to witness the growth and innovation in PA’s programs and practice. Our WAFCA network is strengthened by the PA values embodied by the team as they commit time, resources, and expertise to collaborate with colleagues in the human services sector and invest in our Wisconsin statewide community by coming to collective tables and advocating for equitable and accessible services for all. We are grateful to PA for all they do to partner to improve lives. We are stronger together – and we are stronger thanks to the compassion and commitment of Positive Alternatives. “

Deb Wright 

Former Board Member (1986 - 2011)

"It's wonderful to see that PA is still strong and growing. It all started as Bi-Frost for runaway kids and the Alpha House for children in need of temporary placement who couldn't get into foster care, run by college students in an old house.

Now, Positive Alternatives has evolved into a professionally run, multi-county operation for adolescents. Congratulations not only for keeping it open, but for growing the program."

Kimberly Edwards

Former Executive Director (2003- 2011)

"Positive Alternatives is an impressive, trusted, and innovative agency. I was the Executive Director from 2003-2011. The programs that PA offers are supportive and develop both youth and the staff that work there. When I started in 2003, the agency only had the Menomonie group home along with the Teen Care programs that supported runaway youth and mentoring. The group home struggled with enough referrals to maintain. The passionate staff that I had the pleasure of working with and the strong desire to build a successful organization led us to expansion over the next 8 years. This included adding the STATAS program as well as a second group home in River Falls. The staff of Positive Alternatives in these years were mainly UW-Stout students with a desire to learn and help the youth. At that time, Positive Alternatives was a stepping stone, often to county positions.

I am amazed at the agency's growth since 2011 under the direction of Kelli Kamholz. After 50 years, the agency continues to be highly respected as a provider of excellent services. I am proud to have been a part of this history."

Kelli Kamholz  

President & CEO

"Twenty-one years ago, as a senior in college, I joined the Positive Alternatives team thinking this job would give me experience in the human services field and provide me an opportunity to help local youth. Positive Alternatives looked very different back then, but one thing has always remained the same—compassionate staff who are dedicated to the mission of service to youth and families. This is what has inspired me to make a career here at Positive Alternatives. Each day I am in awe at the dedication of our staff, the resilience of our youth, and the support of our community. I am proud of the organization Positive Alternatives has become and look forward to where it will go in the future!"